Mind Map Introduction

Hello Readers, my name is Azis Jabbar Susetio, usually called Azis. I am from Djakarta. I live in kayumanis 9 street number 40 Matraman East Djakarta. Now i live in Surabaya to take Vocational study in Electronic Polytechnics of Surabaya, and before that i already take Daarul Muttaqien Boarding School in Bogor for middle school and Albayan Islamic Boarding School in Sukabumi for High School.   

Actually i have two nickname, in my family i was called tio, while among friends i was called azis. Why ?, it began when i was in elementary school in 4th grade when I was called tio among my friends, and there is my classmate named Herseptio Wibowo, he has Tio nickname too and he has big great body, otherwise I has small body, so I was called small tio ( Tio Kecil )and the other tio was called big tio ( Tio Besar ). And then my class teacher named Ms. Ismiyatun offer a solution so that I will be called Azis, since that day I was called azis by all of my friends. And every time there is someone who asked about my name, I will answer Azis .


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